Start-up of the day

Spread all over Europe, thousands of young companies are working hard every day to make our world a lot better tomorrow. It is precisely from these small companies that the most surprising and innovative ideas emerge. That is why Innovation Origins puts one of these start-ups in the spotlight every day.

Smart paper as a bridge between the real and the digital world

Using buses, cars or bikes to measure air quality? Respire is going to do it

Recycle without having to do any of the sorting yourself

This tile makes electric charging even easier

Angry or happy? Talk to robot buddy Felix

Start-up: Adding probiotics to delicious snacks to boost health

Touchwind’s floating windmills cannot be blown over during storms

[UPDATE] Start-up of the Day: Kipster chickens lay the most sustainable eggs in the world

Convert your old diesel into a hybrid with XYZ Dynamics

[Update] Start-up of the day: Noise diffraction sounds to be too simple to be true

IO Start-up of the Year: ‘They’re all companies that offer solutions to major problems’

Start-up of the Day: Emergency Eye provides an instant view of emergency situations

Start-up of the day: Unpack your home anywhere in the world

You decide: Who’s gonna be our Start-up of the Month?

Start-up of the Day: Electricity from your own roof – for tenants, too

Start-up of the Day: inoqo app makes sustainable consumerism easy

Start-up of the day: vertical farming at your fingertips

Start-up of the Day: Making raw foods the future