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In our Sunday newsletter, we, as editors, reflect on the past seven days. We do this on the initiative of our cartoonist Albert Jan Rasker. He chooses a subject, draws a picture, and we take it from there.

Psychologist and marketing researcher Eveline van Zeeland’s smart lessons for our schools inspired Albert Jan to create a picture in which history and the future beg for the attention of our youngest generation. To what extent they will allow themselves to be influenced at all is questionable, but apart from that, according to Eveline, it is worth considering creating space for the subject of Future in addition to History. If only because the emphasis in futures research is shifting more and more from forecasting to backcasting. A nice development, she says:

“Choices we make now influence the future. Every day. To make those choices well, we must not only learn from the past, but also learn to build the future. The future is not something that happens to fall from the sky, but something we shape ourselves. The future is like an oil tanker, which, decision by decision, does push you in a certain direction. Every person should learn the skills you need to do that.”

She wonders what could be more important than learning at school together to explore the future and discover how to take steps toward a desired future. It’s just like Peter Drucker once remarked: “The best way to predict the future is to create it.” In short, we need to teach young people not just to understand the past but rather to create the future.

We at Innovation Origins try to stick to that mission every day. This resulted again last week in a series of stories that try to unravel, one by one, a small part of that sometimes complicated future. Not for nothing do we call ourselves “your sneak preview of the future”.

Here are the highlights:

What caught our eye last week?

The trends are clear, says McKinsey: There will be a resurgence of regional aviation, thanks to more sustainable mobility

This iron reactor could become a crucial puzzle piece in the energy transition

Revolution in heating: Europe’s colossal heat pumps

‘ChatGPT is just the tip of the iceberg; most of AI’s potential is still underwater’

Challenges of university spin-offs in the Netherlands: growth potential vs. Obstacles

A battery made from table salt and water: the energy storage revolution?

Hooray, the internet turns 40 this year

Twente researchers find out which cyber attacks are most successful

Study shows: HighTechXL’s innovative approach can be an example for Europe

The incongruity of European climate policy: high time to end fossil fuel subsidies

We also have a tip for next week: trade fair Vision, Robotics & Motion offers solutions for smartly coupled production processes

And here’s the rest – Make it a great, innovative week!