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Each week in our Sunday newsletter, we look back on the past seven days. Regarding content, we always do so at the initiative of our cartoonist, Albert Jan Rasker. He chooses a subject, draws a picture, and we take it from there.

Last week, the newspapers and online platforms were full of it: After a long wait, the Netherlands has a new coalition agreement. The 26-page document “Hope, guts and pride” promises a lot of innovation for agriculture and fisheries. The National Growth Fund is finally coming to an end. 

Fortunately, we can soon go to the polls for the European elections. Bart visited the TU/e innovation debate last Tuesday. Six Dutch EU leaders came to Eindhoven to debate China, the future of the Brainport region, and money for innovation. One thing is sure: this debate was more hopeful than anything currently happening in the Dutch political arena. 

Call 2.0

Last week, we wrote about it in this very spot, and I’m singing the same tune again. As a regular newsletter reader, you have an above-average connection to our platform. We’re very happy about that. It probably also means that you have an opinion on what we can do better. We are thinking a lot about that ourselves. Maybe you have already noticed the new series, categories on our homepage, or snapshots

In our last snapshot, we highlighted a development in the BIO+ category. And not just any one, namely: the rise of grass paper, as Albert Jan aptly depicts. For years we’ve been used to notebooks, napkins and toilet paper made from recycled paper. Now scientists at Wageningen University and Research (WUR) are pioneering another sustainable paper alternative, making paper and cardboard from roadside and natural grass.

Your opinion

But, about that reboot – we are also very curious about your opinion! What’s going well, and what could be better? Therefore, we have put together a survey. You would help us enormously if you filled it in. It will take at most ten minutes of your time. You can find it here.

Oh, and have you listened to Laio’s latest podcast yet? It’s the most activist (and most fun) episode yet. It is very nice to hear that Laio gets better every week.

Here’s what else stood out to us last week:

You can read the rest of the articles we wrote last week here. Have a great weekend!

Aafke Eppinga
editor-in-chief Innovation Origins