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The Tour de France is in full swing. Many professional cyclists are utilizing technological innovations to deliver their best performance. However, it’s not just in the ‘pro cycling scene’ where remarkable developments are taking place. Here are three promising developments that mark a significant step forward in cycling safety and sustainability on the ‘normal’ road.

  • Professional riders utilize cutting-edge technologies for optimal performance.
  • Cycling innovations extend beyond the pro scene to benefit enthusiasts and amateurs alike.

Fall detection systems

The Netherlands, a country with a deep-rooted cycling culture, is at the forefront of innovative safety measures for cyclists. Bypoint, a Dutch company, has developed a fall detection system designed to improve cyclist safety. Inspired by a personal encounter with a cycling accident, founder Joris Koops designed a system that detects falls and automatically contacts pre-selected individuals for assistance.

Functionality is straightforward: if a fall occurs, the system prompts the cyclist to press a button within one minute. If they are unable to respond, the system sends a text message to the first contact on the list, proceeding to the second and third contacts if necessary. The system also provides the fallen cyclist’s location via GPS coordinates.

Revolutionising visibility

Amsterdam-based start-up Ziemi is another company making strides in cyclist safety. They’re taking a fresh approach to bike lights, using the principle of biomotion to increase cyclist visibility in traffic. Their innovative light design illuminates the moving parts of the cyclist, making them more visible to other road users.

Recycled plastic bikes

As sustainability becomes an increasingly important aspect of product design, Dutch start-up DutchFiets is leading the way with their bicycles made from recycled plastic. The company’s goal is to reduce waste and environmental impact by utilising recycled plastics and implementing a deposit system for their bikes.

The company faced challenges ensuring the strength and safety of the plastic frames and wheels, but with the aid of crowdfunding and customer feedback, they’ve made significant progress. DutchFiets currently targets corporate customers such as hotels, envisioning a future where more bike components are made entirely of recycled plastic.