© Clariant

Clean Planet Energy is to build a total of ten recycling plants in England. Here, hard-to-recycle plastic waste will be converted into clean diesel for trucks and machinery. They call these factories EcoPlants and the first one is already under construction. To finance the remaining plants, the company has partnered with Crossroads Real Estate, so says the company in a press release.

Less greenhouse gases

With the construction of the recycling plants, the companies aim to jointly tackle the plastic waste crisis. Each plant can process 20,000 tonnes of plastic waste per year. “That will be converted into ultra-low sulphur fuels that replace fossil diesel for trucks or heavy machinery. That can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 75 per cent compared to using traditional diesel,” the companies conclude.

Naphtha production

It can also be made into circular naphtha. Naphtha is a mixture of hydrocarbons produced when crude oil is distilled as condensate at temperatures as low as 70°C and from around 80 to 150 degrees Celsius. By using it for new plastic, refineries no longer need to use fossil resources such as petroleum.

When all 10 plants are eventually built, 200,000 tonnes of plastic waste can be reused per year. Sites have already been identified in Lincolnshire, Gloucestershire, Lancashire and South Wales. More sites will be selected in the coming months. “Clean Planet Energy’s mission is to remove more than 1 million tonnes of non-recyclable plastic waste from our environment every year,” said Bertie Stephens, Clean Planet Energy’s CEO.

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