Philips was once again named the company with the leading reputation in the Netherlands. This means that for the eleventh year in a row, the health technology company will receive the Reputation Award for the annual ‘RepTrak ranking’, carried out by the Reputation Institute Benelux. Philips is ranked #19 worldwide. Other Dutch companies in the Top 100 are Heineken (#62), KLM (#82) and Unilever (#87).
Hans de Jong, President Philips Netherlands, is pleased with the award: “It is special to see that we are increasingly clearly appreciated for our clear strategic choice to focus entirely on health technology. Philips is a trusted brand, and with good reason.”
“Philips’ results are truly remarkable,” said Professor Cees van Riel, founder of the Reputation Institute. “The general public is becoming more sceptical and has less confidence in brands. For the first time in five years, this is reflected in a significant drop in the overall reputation scores. Nevertheless, Philips is the only brand to score in the 80+ range, in other words: ‘Excellent’. Philips is the company with the leading reputation in the Netherlands, but also the most innovative and sustainable.”

Main Photo: The Communication ‘team’ that, under the leadership of Nanda Huizing (Head Communications, Digital & Brand Philips Benelux) and Steve Klink (Head of Group Press Office Royal Philips), monitors Philips’ reputation. (c) Frank van Beek Photography.
Source: Philips press release