Photo: VivArt-X
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One in seven women will develop breast cancer at some point in their lives. More than 50 per cent opt for breast reconstruction. Eindhoven-based VivArt-X will work with partners over the next three years to create a synthetic material that helps restore healthy breast tissue after breast surgery. An amount of €1.4 million has been earmarked for the project.

The Eindhoven startup will work with Smart BioMaterials Consortium (SBMC) and TU/e for the next three years. The research could have a major impact on public health. The new personalised method, in which the body’s own cells form healthy breast tissue, should result in fewer reoperations, better recovery and a better quality of life after breast surgery.

TU/e is contributing its knowledge and facilities; SBMC will be responsible for accelerating product development and quality assurance. Screening of the new material and improvement of cell-material interactions will be carried out in SBMC’s development laboratory, on the TU/e campus.

VivArt-X was one of the winners of the Gerard & Anton Awards 2023.