Decarbonizing Europe – Ireland

What are Ireland’s plans to become more sustainable?
Find out in our project Decarbonizing Europe

Intensive agriculture and polluting mobility are the main reasons to explain why Ireland ranks so high in terms of greenhouse gas emissions in the EU. The country is binding itself to a greener future, as it signed a Climate Action Act aiming at halving emissions by 2030 in comparison to 2018 levels. €939 million by the EU Commission will support this process, as 42 percent of this sum is for climate goals. To this extent, Ireland invested – and will continue to – in wind power, which is the largest source of renewable energy. The EU budget will serve to electrification part of the railway network and refurbish part of the building stock. Are you curious about how Ireland is planning to decarbonize? Read more in our stories below.

How much did Ireland emit in 2019?


Greenhouse gas emissions per capita in the EU


More greenhouse gas emissions per capita than the EU average

Click here for the full list of countries and their emissions

All the stories about Ireland in this project: