Decarbonizing Europe – Cyprus

What are Cyprus’ plans to become more sustainable?
Find out in our project Decarbonizing Europe

Transitioning towards a greener economy is the main priority the Cypriot plan aims to address. The European Commission gave the country €1.2 billion euros, and nearly half of them are for it. Mobility is one of the aspects the plan focuses on. Car ownership is high in the country, with nearly all vehicles being fossil-fueled. Electric vehicles are just a few all over Cyprus, as there is no public charging infrastructure. With regard to this, the Recovery and Resilience Plan aims to foster electric mobility, with subsidies to motorists buying EVs and the installation of new charging stations. Are you curious about how Cyprus is planning to decarbonize? Read more in our stories below.

How much did Cyprus emit in 2019?


Greenhouse gas emissions per capita in the EU


More greenhouse gas emissions per capita than the EU average

All the stories about Cyprus in this project: