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De twee Nederlanders die MIT’s lijst van 35 Europese innovatoren onder de 35 jaar hebben gehaald, komen beiden uit de Eindhovense designtraditie. Dave Hakkens heeft zijn wortels in de Design Academy, Pauline van Dongen bij de TU/e-faculteit Industrial Design. De twee Nederlandse winnaars horen volgens de jury tot de zeven visionairs in de lijst.

Hakkens haalde de lijst vanwege zijn project Precious Plastic.

Hakkens aim of improving adoption and generating a business ecosystem around recycling and recycled waste is a step in the right direction, and the community of Precious Plastics enthusiasts has emerged quickly, as the executive director at the National Entrepreneurship and Innovation Institute of Brazil and jury member for the Innovators Under 35 Europe 2017 awards, Ingrid Stoeckicht, is quick to point out. In her opinion, “the project allows social entrepreneurs worldwide to establish their own recycling business.” This expert describes Hakkens´ work as “incredible, and highly attractive both socially and entrepreneurially.”

Pauline van Dongen is er volgens de MIT-jury in geslaagd om mode met technologie te verbinden en zo de kleding van de toekomst te ontwerpen.

Van Dongen’s Crafting Wearables project is born from her doctorate in industrial design at the Technical University of Eindhoven specializing in fashion and technology. Her objective is to integrate the latest innovations in wearables in smart clothing designs which are practical in addition to stylish. This young innovator “felt, as a designer, the need to drive changes in the fashion industry.”

De officiële uitreiking van de prijzen is op 14 september in Parijs. De winnaars zijn gekozen uit een groslijst van 1100 kandidaten. De jury: “Whether researchers, innovators or entrepreneurs, all of them have something in common: they are shaping their fields with revolutionary projects and ideas that will transform our daily lives through technology.”

Lees hier wat E52 eerder schreef over Van Dongen en Hakkens.