Sponsh, een TU/e-startup die een textiel produceert om water uit de lucht te halen, en Expivi, een eveneens Eindhovense startup die producten visualiseert voor webshops, zijn afgelopen week in de prijzen gevallen bij de Accenture Awards. Expivi won in de categorie “Living & Working”, Sponsh in “Nutrition”. Volgens Accenture zijn de winnaars “the gamechangers of tomorrow”. In totaal werden er 8 winnaars bekendgemaakt.
De jury over Sponsh:
“What’s essential to both human nutrition as well as the value chain it supports? Our winner has a truly innovative product that replicates a natural process to support nature itself. They have gold in their hands – as either a product or producer of the source of life.”
De jury over Expivi:
“With a technologically advanced solution that is user-friendly and efficient. Our winner is on trend in the world of e-commerce, their scalability leads us to believe that they will be able to not just ride the wave but create it.”