Start-up of the day

Spread all over Europe, thousands of young companies are working hard every day to make our world a lot better tomorrow. It is precisely from these small companies that the most surprising and innovative ideas emerge. That is why Innovation Origins puts one of these start-ups in the spotlight every day.

Start-up of the day: Installing giant wind turbines at sea in record time

Start-up of the day: intelligent lighting for greenhouses

Start-up of the day: Solmove – Cruising the streets with the sun

Start-up of the day: ‘Curing sick blood vessels with new stent can save lives’

Start-up of the day: conquering the world of maps

Start-up of the day: ‘We’ve got to make better use of wind farms’

Start-up of the day: treating the environment with nanotechnology

Start-up of The Day: Direct Health Helps Men With Erectile Dysfunction

Start-up of the Week: smart customer service for healthier pregnancies

Start-up of the Day: device checks the health of a fetus anytime, anywhere

Start-up of the day: Artificial intelligence as an extra pair of eyes for healthcare providers

Start-up of the day: Deep Tech provides the fashion industry with data on perfectly-fitting garment sizes

Start-up of the day: rewarding sustainable mobility

Start-up of the Day: solving the mobility problem with a folding self-charging E-bike

Mobile robots help with rescue operations – thanks to their artificial intelligence

Start-up of the week: why oh why didn’t this already exist?

Start-up of the day: Virtual Breeding Ground for Sports Innovation