MedTech in the Netherlands

Find out how the Brainport Eindhoven region is finding answers to the global challenges around health care

Dutch MedTech is Brainport MedTech

For this MedTech dossier, we focus on the broader Brainport Eindhoven region. This is the area with a leading position in the Netherlands when it comes to companies active in medical technology, or MedTech. One in five Dutch MedTech companies is located in the province of Brabant, and more than half of these are in Brainport Eindhoven. Brabant’s MedTech sector is a serious growth engine for the province and the country.

This MedTech dossier is sponsored by Rabobank, Brainport Development and Brabant Development Agency (BOM)

5 Focus Points for the Near Future

  • Clustering of medical imaging and diagnostics:
  • More impact for the MedTech start-up ecosystem
  • Collaboration between SMEs and medical centers
  • Connecting Brainport with Pivot Park
  • Stronger international positioning of the MedTech sector

Read more about these 5 focus points


Hotspot in Life Sciences & Health

In Brabant, 910 branches of Life Sciences & Health companies can be found, accounting for 18,160 jobs. This is respectively 15.6% and 23.5% of the total Dutch Life Sciences & Health sector.


17 juni, 17:00 uur:
TAISIG Talks – Artificial intelligence for Diagnostic Imaging. With
Sharon Ong, Assistant Professor at the Department of Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence. Tilburg University.

Robot SARA

SARA (Social & Autonomous Robotic health Assistant) aims to create a better work balance for professional caregivers and to provide extra care for clients for whom the staff does not always have time.

Three characteristics for Brainport

The MedTech companies in Brainport Eindhoven are active in very diverse medical domains and markets. They distinguish themselves by these 3 characteristics:

1. The domain ‘diagnostics and medical imaging techniques‘ is remarkably strongly represented. An important stimulus in this respect comes from Philips Healthcare, the world’s number 3 in this domain. The domain is also a research focal point of TU Eindhoven.
2. The large number of medical technology start-ups resulting from the strong start-up climate in Brainport Eindhoven.
3. Over a third of the companies (more than 100) are active in the chain of complex mechanical engineering. This medical technology manufacturing industry is partly a supplier to Philips Healthcare, but also serves other medical technology OEM customers.

What is MedTech?

By medical technology – MedTech for short – we mean “the application of organized knowledge and skills in the form of devices, medicines, vaccines, procedures, and systems developed to solve a health problem and improve the quality of life.” (WHO)

It, therefore, refers to the use of instruments, devices or appliances, software, implants, materials, or other articles intended by manufacturers to be used in humans for a variety of specific purposes including diagnosis, prevention, monitoring, prediction, prognosis, treatment, or alleviation of disease.

MedTech companies in the province of North Brabant

On the map you will find all MedTech companies in the province of Noord-Brabant with more han ten employees.

The bigger the sphere, the higher the number of employees

MedTech Highlights

Each week, we present a different MedTech Highlight, concisely summarized in an explanatory video. This week: the regenerative medicine at Xeltis.

Recent other MedTech news

Get an impression of the size, diversity and impact of MedTech in Brainport Eindhoven

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