The mayor of Taipeh will come to Eindhoven at the end of January, to be informed about the developments in the field of Smart Cities. He makes visits to the High Tech Campus, Strijp-S, and Stratumseind, among others. He will also meet mayor John Jorritsma of Eindhoven.
A week before the mayor, another delegation from Taiwan will be in town: the president of Advantech, the high tech company that also has an office in Son, gives a lecture at the High Tech Campus. In his slipstream, not only Advantech colleagues but also journalists and technicians who are interested in developments in the Eindhoven region will come along. This delegation also focuses on Strijp-S and High Tech Campus. In addition, a visit will be made to the Eindhoven University of Technology.
Mayor Ko Wen-Je‘s visit is on 30 and 31 January, the Advantech delegation will be here on 23 and 24 January. The reason for the visits is Tapei’s interest in smart city developments and the start-up climate in Brainport Eindhoven.
Eindhoven has had a relationship with Taiwan for some time already. The interest of the Taiwanese government, industry, and media is particularly focused on the smart city solutions that are being developed in the region in areas such as energy, security and water management. There are also efforts to link start-ups here and in Taiwan. Also, companies from Eindhoven, including DAF and Etulipa, have built offices in Taiwan. During the visit of the mayor of Taipei to Eindhoven, therefore, both a start-up delegation and a number of Taiwanese journalists will travel along.
Over the past few years, frequent visits by Taiwanese delegations to our region have taken place, covering issues such as elderly care and startups. Companies from the region also visited Taiwan.
Photo: Ko Wen-Je, via Wikipedia