LifeSense opens up a crowdfunding campaign on IndieGoGo on Mother’s Day. The result of the campaign should help the further development of Carin Wearables, the underwear that helps women against urinary incontinence. LifeSense is a startup from Eindhoven, located on the High Tech Campus.
More on Carin and Lifesense here
According to Eline van Uden, product manager at Lifesense, urinary incontinence is still a subject that is difficult to talk about. “That is why we want to bring the message to an international audience through a funny but informative video.”
The video is meant to help get the conversation going. The message: “What if your friend has been acting a little strange lately? If she suddenly sprints away during exercise class or looks troubled during a work meeting? Actually 1 in 3 women have their pelvic floor muscles damaged after having children.”
Van Uden: “We decided to launch a campaign about bladder health on Indiegogo and also star in the movie ourselves. Carin Wearables helps women to exercise the pelvic floor muscles. Pelvic floor exercise is the natural solution to bladder health. The results? With training 15 minutes per day, 70% of the women can heal their bladder function.”
Developed with more than 100 women, Carin wearables is a combination of an app with an exercise programme, a wearable sensor to see how well you’re doing and to keep you motivated. To replace plastic pads, designer and co-founder Julia Veldhuijzen van Zanten created a beautiful absorbing underwear. She won a New Material Award in 2014 with the design.