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Northern Netherlands

  1. IT Empowerment Event – 3rd of July, Haren
    Samenwerking Rijk Noord is organizing the IT Empowerment Event for the first time on the 3rd of July. The event is primarily aimed at women already working in ICT and final-year mbo, hbo and wo students. During the event there will be a lot of attention for professional subjects as well as for the extra qualities that women bring to ICT teams. The keynote will be given by Marloes Pomp; the vice president of the European AI Forum.
  2. EELF Conference 2024 – 28-31st of August, Groningen
    The 11th EELF Conference will be hosted by the Groningen Centre of Energy Law and Sustainability (GCELS),  Groningen University. The conference looks at legal developments towards sustainable energy in Europe. This includes manifold legal aspects of energy production, infrastructure, consumption and efficiency as well as intersections with nature conservation, water management, circular economy, product design and other relevant fields of regulation.

Eastern Netherlands

  1. TValley Tech Conference 2024 – 3rd of July, Enschede
    TValley provides a platform for engineers and CTOs to collaborate on research & development, knowledge exchange, and training. Take advantage of the opportunity to gain and share knowledge, network with high-tech companies, engage in our research projects, and connect with industry professionals and emerging talent.
  2. Chiptech Twente Summer Drinks – 9th of July, Enschede
    ChipTech Twente has a lot of amibiton. To make this happen, the sector aims to bring the community closer together: “If we have a better understanding of what ‘the neighbor’ does, we can work more closely on research & development agenda’s.invites you to join our summer drinks!” The drinks will be hosted by Saxion nanolab and TLC quantum photonic lab.

Southern Netherlands

  1. The Gerard & Anton Awards – 3th of July, Eindhoven
    Our own Gerard & Anton Awards! Every year, Innovation Origins spotlights ten startups from the Brainport region of which we expect great things in the coming year. For each of these start-ups a Gerard & Anton Award is waiting: not only as a reward for the recent development, but especially as an incentive to go even further. The previous nine editions show that this helps: the success rate of the former winners is above average.
  2. AI Meet-Up: Summer Edition 2024 – 10th of July, Eindhoven
    In an era where AI is reshaping industries and societies, it is imperative to use its power responsibly to ensure a sustainable future. This AI Meet-up explores the dual role of AI in enabling sustainability: first, by adopting sustainable practices in AI development and deployment, and second, by using AI to address global sustainability challenges. We will present how AI can be developed to be resource-efficient, reducing its environmental impact, and examine innovative applications of AI in promoting sustainability.
  3. Robocup 2024 – 17 – 21st July, Eindhoven
    After editions in Nagoya, Sydney, and Bangkok, this year, TU/e is hosting the most exciting event in the world of autonomous robots – RoboCup 2024! RoboCup aims to accelerate the development of affordable and reliable robot technology to benefit our aging society. Robots worldwide will compete against each other in this exciting week. Come and see!

Western Netherlands

  1. Robotics Conference: Science and Systems – 15 – 19th July, Delft
    The 20th edition of the “Robotics: Science and Systems” (RSS) conference will be held at the Delft University of Technology. The conference has a history of bringing together researchers in all areas of robotics from around the world for an engaging and focused week of single-track presentations, workshops, poster sessions, and tutorials. 
  2. ENHR congres: Making Housing systems work – 26 – 30th August, Delft
    Housing is back on the political agenda in many European countries. Many countries are facing greater demand for housing than predicted a few years ago and living in the existing stock is becoming increasingly expensive, partly due to poor insulation and high energy prices. The ENHR conference will not only be dedicated to further exploring these issues. The emphasis will be on how these problems can be solved.