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Renewaball, the company that developed the world’s first circular tennis and padel ball, announced it secured a €3 million investment from Rubio Impact Ventures. The company is on a mission to reduce the impact of tennis and padel balls, which are discarded after a few games.

This significant financial boost enables Renewaball to further its innovative approach to sports equipment. With over 350 million tennis balls used annually worldwide, the environmental implications are considerable. Renewaball’s unique product is crafted from 100% organic wool and cotton, eliminating the release of microplastics during play—a stark contrast to the traditional polyester and nylon materials. The sustainable design of these balls addresses waste management and the climate impact of sporting goods.

Rallying for a circular economy

The company’s ethos is aligned with a broader movement towards a circular economy, where products are made to be reused and recycled, reducing the need for raw materials and waste. Renewaball’s proprietary technology repurposes old balls, which comprise 25 percent of the new product. As a result, nearly all of the ball’s components are recyclable, setting a new benchmark for sustainability in sports.

In addition, the company ensures their balls are competitively priced and maintain high performance. Packaged in 100% recyclable pressurized tubes, these balls aim to serve the dual purpose of quality sports equipment and environmental stewardship. Renewaball’s ambition extends to becoming the global standard for tennis and padel balls, showcasing that sustainability and quality can go hand in hand.

Impacting Investment

The investment from Rubio Impact Ventures, a firm managing €150M in assets, is a testament to Renewaball’s potential to significantly reduce the ecological footprint of tennis and padel balls in Europe. Helmer Schukken, managing partner at Rubio, commends the Renewaball team for their dedication and vision, which is poised to inspire a shift towards sustainable practices in the sports industry.

Renewaball’s commitment to local production is not just about reducing carbon emissions; it’s about setting a precedent. Their ultimate goal is to see their sustainable balls become the standard, ensuring the longevity of the sport and the health of the planet. With this investment and their ongoing initiatives, Renewaball is driving the game towards a more sustainable future, one ball at a time.