Decarbonizing Europe – Slovakia

What are Slovakia’s plans to become more sustainable?
Find out in our project Decarbonizing Europe

Industry represents the main driver of Slovakia’s greenhouse gas emissions – in 2019 more than a fifth. The European Commission is giving Slovakia €6.3 billion in grants through the Recovery and Resilience Facility. Green economy is the component being financed with the largest share of money, with investments and reforms on sustainable mobility, buildings’ energy efficiency, and renewables. However, the whole plan lacks clarity, as some investments aren’t fully outlined. Despite lagging in terms of climate strategic planning, Slovakia will stop supporting coal-generated electricity from 2023. Green transition is there, but it is a slow process. Are you curious about how Slovakia is planning to decarbonize? Read more in our stories below.

How much did Slovakia emit in 2019?


Greenhouse gas emissions per capita in the EU


Less greenhouse gas emissions per capita than the EU average

Click here for the full list of countries and their emissions

All the stories about Slovakia in this project: