Decarbonizing Europe – Greece

What are Greece’s plans to become more sustainable?
Find out in our project Decarbonizing Europe

Greece is still coping with the aftermath of the debt crisis. The country paid off its debt with the International Monetary Fund and has been given by the European Commission €30.5 billion for its Recovery and Resilience Plan. Just before the corona outbreak started, the government presented its first national energy and climate plan. One of the most tangible results is the increase in the production of solar energy. In keeping following this path, a large share of the recovery money is for climate goals. Are you curious about how Greece is planning to decarbonize? Read more in our stories below.

How much did Greece emit in 2019?


Greenhouse gas emissions per capita in the EU


Less greenhouse gas emissions per capita than the EU average

Click here for the full list of countries and their emissions

All the stories about Greece in this project: