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In our Sunday newsletter, we, as editors, look back on the past seven days. We do this on the initiative of our cartoonist Albert Jan Rasker. He picks a subject, makes a drawing, and we take it from there.

An opinion piece on a geopolitical issue is not often the best-read article on Innovation Origins for a whole week. But apparently, this piece struck a nerve. And just as striking: it was mainly our visitors from countries bordering China who read the story (the English-language version) en masse.

The gist of the story: the export ban that the Netherlands imposed on ASML under heavy pressure from the US is short-sighted, hypocritical, and counterproductive. And it proves that the fervently promoted European strategic autonomy is still a sham. America rules!

For those who haven’t read it yet:

Chinese export ban on ASML is short-sighted, hypocritical, and counterproductive

The whole thing inspired Albert Jan to make a cartoon that would not be unfit to place on the wall of the office of Xi, Biden, Rutte, or Wennink. The main question is whether this would evoke shame, satisfaction, anger, or just a smile. Either way, the latter was the case with us.

There’s more…

In addition to this – as always – we had our sights sharp on all those people and organizations busy tackling the enormous challenges of our time. Here is this week’s “sneak preview of the future“:

OpenAI released GPT-4 – here’s what you need to know about it

CarbonCloud gives food companies reliable data on their climate footprint

This home salt battery could revolutionize your energy storage

Professor on climate engineering: ‘No solution, but research is desperately needed’

Finally, we started a new series of video explorers this week, each focusing on a particular start-up. First up: Alphabeats.

And finally, here’s what our AI-powered editor (who received a major software update yesterday) was all about this week: follow Laio.

Have a great, innovative week!