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“Artificial intelligence is the future. There are endless possibilities. That’s why this technology is one of Brabant’s key growth drivers,” said Liesje Goldschmidt. She is Head of Business Development at Erasmus Enterprise and one of the organizers of the AI Pitch Competition in Brabant. Startups play an important role in developing AI and making a social impact, in domains such as the energy transition or healthcare. To help startups take their first steps, the province of North Brabant, Erasmus Enterprise, Braventure, and Innovation Origins are organizing the first AI Pitch Competition this year. “Of course, we hope this will create the new ASML,” Goldschmidt states. 

Liesje Goldschmidt

AI startups with a link to the province of North Brabant can participate in the competition.  “Companies can already be based in Brabant, or intend to be. In addition, they can join the competition through knowledge institutions or other companies in the province. This gives the event a national and even international character. Of course, we work here with international students and employees of large companies. But we keep the Brabant sociability in it.” 

Knowledge and network

Why Brabant? Goldschmidt: “It’s an interesting place for startups and scale-ups in AI. There are several universities and colleges in the region, as well as regional development companies such as Brainport Development, Braventure, and Midpoint Brabant that can support young companies.” 

Workshops and events

From all the applications, several finalists will be selected to pitch during the finals on November 7. A professional jury of AI experts will eventually choose a winner. 

“Pitching is super important. It is important to bring in investors or customers and to be able to tell people your story over a cup of coffee. Participants learn that beforehand, during a pitch workshop,” she states. There will also be a meet & greet during the startup event LEVEL UP on September 30. “Building a network is essential for startups. Events like this help with that.” 

Prize money

Winners will receive hefty prizes. The competition winner will receive €50,000, including VAT, and second and third place will receive €35,000 and €25,000. The winner of the public prize will receive €10,000. In addition to these cash prizes, there are other rewards, such as admission tickets to the Hello Tomorrow Global Summit in Paris or a voucher for a relaxing activity.

Taking part is more important than winning

Ultimately, the goal of the competition is to give budding startups a kickstart and a platform. “Taking part is more important than winning,” said the organizer. “That may sound cliché, but it is true.” She sees the AI Pitch Competition not so much as a contest, “it’s more of an incubator”. The competition introduces startups to a large network and knowledge about AI, entrepreneurship, and innovation. Goldschmidt: “Competitions and incubators are often broad in scope, but we focus entirely on one technology. This is how we build specialized knowledge that defines the world of tomorrow.”

Do you have an AI startup and want to apply for the AI Pitch Competition? Then register via this website. 


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