Waterstofcelsysteem van zepp.solutions. Foto: zepp.solutions
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1. €3 mln for hydrogen cell plant in Rotterdam

Delft-based Zepp.solutions, a European hydrogen fuel cell industry leader, has secured a €3 million investment. The investment will allow zepp.solutions to further expand its business activities. It is the first external capital injection for the company, which has grown into a multi-million dollar company under its own steam since its founding in 2017. The expansion is a strategic move to capitalize on rising market demand for zepp.solutions’ systems as the European hydrogen sector continues to move toward implementation on a larger scale.

2. €80 million from ASML for collaboration with TU/e

Following the boost provided by project Beethoven, ASML is strengthening its cooperation with TU/e. The company will invest €80 million in the university over the next ten years. Based on joint roadmaps, the two partners will conduct joint research and train more PhD students in plasma physics, mechatronics, optics, and AI. Working closely together, nearly 100 PhD students will research areas relevant to the chip sector over the next decade.

3. €20 mln for autonomous blood sampling device

Dutch startup Vitestro has raised €20 million to accelerate the commercialization of its autonomous blood sampling device, bringing the total fundraising to €46 million. With this investment, Vitestro will expand its team and develop additional features for the device.

Vitestro’s technology has the potential to transform patient care and ease the burden on laboratory staff. Hospitals are expected to start using the first blood collection devices by the end of this year.

4. China invests €43.8 billion in semiconductor sector

Last week, we reported on the €2.5 billion European research labs received under the European Chips Act. This will allow them to set up a pilot line for developing and testing the next generation of chips. Yesterday, Reuters reported that China is doing well on that.

The country has set up its third planned state-backed investment fund to boost the semiconductor industry, with a registered capital of 344 billion yuan (€47.8 billion). President Xi Jinping’s drive to make China self-sufficient in semiconductors has become even more urgent after the U.S. instituted a series of export control measures in recent years.

5. Half a billion for deep tech in Benelux and Germany 

Innovation Industries raised 500 million for its third fund, which focuses on deep-tech startups and scaleups in the Benelux and Germany. Investors in the third fund include PME and PMT. These pension funds also invested in Innovation Industries’ earlier funds. Also participating in the newest fund are the pension funds ABP, bpfBOUW, Pensioenfonds KPN and TNO Pensioenfonds. 

“Investing in deep tech is very interesting from various perspectives. Nevertheless, deeptech companies still face significant challenges in raising capital,” says Nard Sintenie, partner at Innovation Industries.