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The Volkskrant has selected its top-three of last years designtalent. All of them have ben students at the Design Academy in Eindhoven. ‘A good year’, says the newspaper.

The Volkskrant attributes the biggest honour to Olivier van Herpt (see picture), the newspaper crowns him ‘the biggest designtalent of this year’. Van Herpt has made vases by using a 3d-printer. The vases currently are in an exhibit at the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam.

The Volkskrant about van Herpt: “Only 1.5 years ago he graduated from the Design Academy and already, he has burst onto the international scene. He has won several awards could be seen at the prestigious Basel Art Fair. Which is interesting because van Herpt does not really deliver a user-ready product, but only focusses on the production-process: 3D-printing of ceramics.”

The other two winners were Sabine Marcelis and Simone Post. Marcelis graduated from the Design Academy in 2011 and produces sculptures of light. The Volkskrant: “The sculptures are are lean and minimalistic. They might have an industrial feel to it, but make no mistake, these products have been crafted by a skilled designer that knows what she is doing.”

Simone Post -graduated in 2015 from the Design Academy, just like Van Herpt. Post developed a project that revolved aroun recycling coloured fabrics in material of fabric-giant Vlisco. Thanks to an innovation by Post, a lot of fabric is saved from the garbage bin.