Starting from today, e52, Eindhoven’s journalistic platform for news about innovation, culture and the economy, will appear in two languages: Dutch (innovationorigins.com) and English (https://innovationorigins.com/en/). In this way, e52 hopes to better serve the growing English-speaking community in the Brainport region.
Dutch will remain the basic language of e52. The platform has recruited Christa Parrish for the English version. Over the past weeks she has translated a selection of the previously published articles, and from now on she will tackle the current articles.
e52 is the initiative of Merien ten Houten and Bart Brouwers. They started the platform because they believed that too many of the innovative developments in the city of Eindhoven remained invisible. e52 is geared towards the modern Eindhoven residents who are open to the movements that characterise the contemporary city.
Entities such as the High Tech Campus, Strijp-S and the knowledge campuses of Fontys and TU/e receive primary attention on e52, which is exactly where (and why) English is increasingly the language of communication.