With a special short movie, Eindhoven has started the holiday season. In the ten minute video, two of Eindhoven’s trademarks are combined: the light and the Eindhoven vibes. Steye van Dam plays the role of the civil servant who has to come up with a solution for the mayor who wants his city to be number 1 in the holiday season. Other roles are performed by famous Eindhovenaren like Maarten Steinbuch, Bjorn van der Doelen, Luuk de Jong, Jalila Essaidi, the Ruggeds, DJ La Fuente, Yucel Fidan, Eveline Wu and many others. And in the end… well, see for yourself.
“Eindhoven presents: “Een Kei Fijne Film” – A holiday short film with the city as the backdrop and its inhabitants in the leading role. A cheeky homage to this year’s achievements and events. A special way to kick off the season filled with lots of food, awful Christmas music, and annoying in-laws.”
Picture (c) Marcel Kennis: the first viewing of Eindhoven’s holiday movie was on November 17 at the Stationsplein in the city centre.