Schiphol is conducting tests with the airport’s first hydrogen-powered Ground Power Unit (GPU). This is a hydrogen-powered GPU that provides power to stationary aircraft at the gate, for example for lighting and power in the cockpit. Schiphol is the first airport in the world to do this. The GPU was developed by Delft hydrogen scale-up zepp.solutions in collaboration with Dynell, an Austrian GPU manufacturer. Zepp.solutions is a leading supplier of hydrogen fuel cell systems in Europe.

Becoming emission-free
Together with ground handling companies and the aviation sector, Schiphol is working towards an emission-free operation. Some stationary aircraft at the gates are already receiving power from e-GPUs (electrical Ground Power Units). These e-GPUs have to be taken to special charging points in order to be charged. The new H2-GPU can be refueled on site by a tanker, which saves significant time. In addition, the e-GPUs sometimes have insufficient capacity, meaning diesel GPUs remain necessary. The H2 GPU can provide a solution in this as well.
During the pilot at Schiphol Airport, only green hydrogen, produced without CO2 emissions with electricity from sun and wind, will be used.