Eric Biermann (Design & Development Director at VanBerlo) and Bram Hendriks (Sr UX Designer at VanBerlo) are visiting the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas. In a daily diary, they share their vision and their experiences at the world’s biggest gathering place for innovative products. Today part 2, by Bram Hendriks.
By Bram Hendriks, Sr. UX Designer at VanBerlo
We’re back for more, another day in Las Vegas at CES 2018!
Personal health
This year’s Philips booth is all about devices that support you in leading a healthy lifestyle. Think about connected toothbrushes, body scales and shavers. New is the Philips SmartSleep: a wearable which helps you to improve your sleep quality, targeted at consumers who don’t get enough sleep. The device not only monitors sleeping patterns, it actively boosts periods of deep sleep. Experiencing high-quality periods of deep sleep helps you to be more alert and focused during the day. The companion app keeps track of sleep quality and behaviour, and offers tips and advice on how to further improve your sleep. Next to Philips, there are many other companies who focus on sleep measurement and improvement. Sleep quality is big this year!
La Poste goes digital
La Poste, the French postal service, is making a shift towards digital business. To that end, they’ve come to CES 2018 to present their innovations. A lot of their concepts surround personal health solutions. The mail carrier no longer just delivers post and packages, they also care for the elderly. Then there’s the personal data storage service which helps people to manage and share information related to insurances, medicines and medical tests. La Poste also offers banking services, and several innovations aimed at helping children to better understand the value of money. There’s a beautifully designed, connected piggy bank which motivates children to both earn and save money. And a token which children can use to pay for small items such as groceries; parents can track those payments and load more money onto the token by using an app.
Start-ups at CES
There are so many – it’s overwhelming – French innovations on view at Eureka Park: La French Tech. In addition to the French, there are start-ups from all over the world. Some of the products are inspiring, but most feel like a technology push; where no one seems to truly grasp the user’s needs and desires. Of course, there’s also the Holland Start-up Pavilion representing some of the best tech solutions to help improve our lives. One of the solutions is Picoo, an interactive toy which encourages children to play games like tag. VanBerlo supported Iris Soute to further develop Picoo, and you can read more about it here.
Yes, yes…we were supposed to report on the automotive tech and electric mobility solutions today. But We’ll get to that soon enough. There’s just so much to see here. And we look forward to telling you all about it!
CES 2018 – Day 2 from VanBerlo on Vimeo.