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Whether the four “forming” parties will successfully create a new Dutch government remains to be seen. But if they do, there is an immediate follow-up question: who will become prime minister? PVV, VVD, NSC and BBB have agreed that none will provide that person. “Get someone from outside,” we hear them say. But how do you choose such a person without immediately disappointing three-quarters of the country? Frank Melis thinks he can offer the solution with his tool smrt.bio. Thanks to artificial intelligence.

“To support the cabinet formation, we are looking for qualified candidates to apply for the role of Prime Minister of the Netherlands,” he points out. “This invitation marks an important milestone in Dutch politics and offers an exceptional opportunity for leaders with vision, perseverance, and a deep understanding of national and international issues.”

Melis is the creator of smrt.bio, a tool that guides job seekers to their new jobs while swiping. And why not the one of the prime minister, too? Here’s the job posting. Indicative salary: €170,000.00 – €175,700.00 per year.

Tinder app

“We are sometimes called the Tinder app of the job market,” Melis jokes. “On our platform, people looking for a job can profile themselves quickly. They indicate what their passions, competencies, and skills are. They do this through a game of swiping left or right. They can also see that in some respects, they are not yet sufficiently developed to get their ideal job. Our platform then displays the best training plan.”

The result, in turn, offers employers insight into the ideal candidate. According to Melis, the same principle could be used to fill our country’s most important job. “We need to find the very best candidate, and with the AI application of our tool, that is possible.”

Additional information from the job posting:

  • Build your own team
  • International network
  • Company car and driver
  • The face of the Netherlands
  • Good salary
  • Available 24/7
  • Honest and clear
  • Persuasive – also in English

Melis is well aware that, as the figurehead of the Dutch government, the prime minister bears an enormous responsibility. “From guiding government policy and promoting national prosperity to representing the Netherlands on the European and world stage – the prime minister is central to developing and implementing policies that affect every corner of society. We live in challenging and turbulent times: the war in Ukraine, the situation in Gaza, low confidence in politics, and possible foreign interference in Dutch politics.”

Frank Melis

Unwavering dedication

The office of prime minister requires a combination of insight, diplomacy, a deep knowledge of both national and international affairs, “and, above all, an unwavering dedication to serving the Dutch people. For those ready for this challenge, the position offers a unique opportunity to contribute at the highest level to the well-being and prosperity of the Netherlands and its citizens.”

Melis sees his call as “an excellent opportunity for visionary leaders who want to contribute to the direction and policies of the Netherlands. If you have the skills, experience, and dedication needed for this crucial role, we invite you to be part of a historic moment in Dutch politics.”