Eindhoven University of Technology has made a leap in the Times Higher Education World University Ranking that focuses on the subject areas ‘Engineering & Technology’ and ‘Computer Science’. TU/e belongs to the 15 and 18 best European universities on these subjects respectively. The ‘THE ranking’ forms an important yardstick for government departments, policymakers, and international students.
In September TU/e had made a big jump in the general ranking of the Times Higher Education World University Ranking (THE WUR), up to 141st place. For one of the indicators – collaboration with industry within the scope of scientific research – TU/e even topped the list worldwide.
True to tradition, this announcement is followed by the ‘subrankings’ in which universities are compared with each other in terms of specific subject areas. Previously, these rankings included the best hundred universities but this year THE has included many more in this list, totaling between 300 and 500 universities. The scores are made up, as they are for the general ranking, of five indicators: research (30%), education (30%), citations in scientific publications (27.5%), international outlook (7.5%) and collaboration with industry (5%).
In ‘Engineering & Technology’ TU/e has risen this year from 64th to 51st place. For ‘Computer Science’ TU/e has risen eleven places to 64th.
Source: TU/e