Space Oasis Delft
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Student team “Space Oasis Delft,” an interdisciplinary group from Delft University of Technology, has designed a monthly village for 150 residents. Their design is inspired by nature, includes a self-sustaining biosphere, and simulates day and night rhythms and seasons.

The village consists of “habitats” for eight people, each with its own radiation shield. The design of these habitats is inspired by nature. For example, for the shape of the radiation shield, the students looked to the nest of the ruddy oven bird. The internal structures are shaped like a spiral staircase, based on spiral sea shells. This shape is self-supporting, which provides additional stability.

De stralingsschilden van de habitats bevatten maanregoliet. Het nest van de rosse ovenvogel inspireerde tot de vorm.
The habitats’ radiation shields contain lunar regolith. The nest of the ruddy oven bird inspired the shape.

Lunar regolith

Transporting construction materials to the moon is complex and expensive. Therefore, the team considered using materials present on the moon in construction. For example, they chose to incorporate lunar regolith into the radiation shields. In addition, each habitat forms a self-sustaining ecosystem, reducing the need for supply missions.

A waterfall in slow motion

A key premise of the design was that the inhabitants not only survive on the moon but also enjoy their unique conditions. In other words, the design should ensure the mental well-being of the inhabitants. The biosphere, with its plants, helps with this, and in addition, a projection screen simulates the Earth’s day-night cycle and seasons. The spiral shape of the structure ensures that residents continue to meet each other as they move within the habitat.

De interne structuur lijkt op die van zeeschelpen en biedt ruimte aan een zelfvoorzienende biosfeer. Deze bootst aardse seizoenen na (links naar rechts).
The internal structure resembles that of seashells and accommodates a self-sustaining biosphere. This mimics terrestrial seasons (left to right).

The design also incorporates playful elements, such as a waterfall whose drops fall six times slower due to low gravity. But this playful solution also has a practical function: the waterfall humidifies the plants in the habitat. In doing so, it also combats the monotony of living spaces by keeping them green, thus creating a natural habitat for residents.

Renders of the dining room. Projection screens outside the windows simulate day and night. International competition

With this design, the team is entering the International Architecture and Innovation Competition organized by the Jacques Rougerie Foundation. The team hopes to stand out in the competition with a strong technical and scientific basis and win the grand prize of €10,000. The competition is open to individuals, groups, students, and professionals.

Marit Vegt, Team Manager Space Oasis Delft: “As the first team of Space Oasis Delft, it was important to create a foundation for our current team and our successors. Seeing how different perspectives and disciplines come together in our project is so nice. There is plenty of room for new insights and creativity within our team.”

Space Oasis Delft
Space Oasis Delft

Space Oasis Delft is an interdisciplinary team consisting of students with backgrounds in Architecture, Aerospace Engineering, Civil Engineering, and Life Science and Technology.