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Millions worldwide today grapple with diabetes—a condition that disrupts the body’s ability to regulate blood sugar levels. Today, diabetes affects over 60 million people in Europe alone, with numbers steadily rising due to factors like aging populations and lifestyle changes.

Enter artificial intelligence (AI), the latest frontier in diabetes management, whose ongoing innovations are turning the tide. AI isn’t just a buzzword in healthcare; it’s a game-changer. So, let’s explore how these innovations are changing the game.

Continuous Glucose Monitoring: The AI glucose guardians

Gone are the days of frequent finger pricks. AI-powered continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) systems now provide real-time data on glucose levels, offering insights into trends and patterns crucial for effective diabetes management.

These systems, like the Dexcom G7 and Freestyle Libre, not only monitor glucose continuously but also predict fluctuations through data storage and pattern analysis, empowering millions of users to take timely action to maintain stable blood sugar levels.

‘Self-driving’ pancreas

Years of research and millions of euros invested have culminated in what is referred to as the ‘artificial pancreas’. Invented by Dutch mechanical engineer and diabetes patient Robin Koops this innovative system goes a step beyond traditional insulin pumps by incorporating both insulin and glucagon delivery, mimicking the natural functions of a healthy pancreas. Much like a self-driving car, this invention promises a personal diabetes autopilot. Unlike existing systems that only administer insulin, this device uses AI algorithms to automatically deliver the correct dosages of both hormones. By preventing both high and low blood sugar levels, it promises to reduce complications and improve the quality of life for patients.

Medtronic MiniMed 780G is an example of an insulin only device. This system uses AI to adjust insulin delivery every five minutes based on real-time glucose readings.

The Dutch take on an AI pancreas will have to wait some more till it reaches the market. Promising results after a small scale study are bringing this pancreas a step closer to reality with new studies being planned for September this year.

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Apps: your pocket-sized diabetes coach

AI isn’t confined to hardware alone; it extends to the software realm through smartphone apps tailored for diabetes management. In the age of smartphones, AI-powered diabetes management apps are becoming indispensable tools for patients. These apps leverage AI to offer personalized recommendations, track various health metrics, and provide real-time support.

One notable example is the mySugr app, which uses AI to analyze data from CGMs, insulin pumps, and user inputs like meals and exercise. It provides tailored advice and predictive analytics to help users maintain optimal blood sugar levels. Another innovative app is Glooko, which attaches to insulin pens to record doses and times automatically. . The app then uses AI to analyze this data alongside blood glucose levels, offering personalized recommendations to optimize insulin therapy.

The integration of AI into diabetes management is ushering in a new era of health care, bringing a blend of convenience, accuracy, and proactive management strategies. From smart insulin pumps and CGM systems to AI-powered apps and predictive analytics, these technologies are making it easier than ever for people with diabetes to manage their condition effectively. Innovations like the Dutch artificial pancreas are at the forefront of this revolution, promising to significantly improve the quality of life for millions of patients.