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Some may say: “It’s just a number”. Not for us. Announcing the 100th winner of a Gerard & Anton Award celebrated at the 10th annual event, is something we are very proud of.

We didn’t start the initiative in 2014 (our company Innovation Origins only saw the light half a year later), but it became ‘ours’ from the second time we were involved. Until now, we have published more than 400 stories about the event and its winners. We turned the last nine award ceremonies and many related events into a success. We supported dozens of winners with their communication strategies and, in doing so, helped them gain traction in their growth ambitions. We offered thousands of people an enjoyable evening with food, drinks, and many significant initiatives to discuss.

On top of that, the winners’ stories were read by hundreds of thousands of readers. Talking about impact!

Of course, it’s up to others to say whether what we did has any value, but by looking at the data, we can already be confident that our effort hasn’t been for nothing. On the contrary, I would say. This is even more true for the startups themselves. Just take a look at the achievements of the 100 (former) winners, and you can immediately see that they have established something extraordinary. The created value, the number of people working for these start-ups, the money they raised, and – not in the last place – the sustainable development goals each and every one of them is helping promote.

So, I hope you can agree that this is more than ‘just a number’. Enjoy reading about winners 91 until 100 in our newest magazine and keep following our publications to stay informed about their (and winners 1 to 90’s) progress.

Bart Brouwers
co-founder and owner of Innovation Origins

The Gerard & Anton Awards are supported by EY, Rabobank, V.O. Patents & Trademarks, TWICE, Kadans Science Partner, Braventure, Lumo Labs, Gemeente Eindhoven, High Tech Campus, Philips, Goevaers & Znn. B.V. and DeepTechXL.