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Lock the door, get behind the wheel, and off to France! Many people are driving their cars to their vacation destinations this summer. And thanks to artificial intelligence the journey is also less stressful than it once was. In the future, we will have self-driving cars thanks to AI. But AI is also already transforming the driving experience on several fronts today.

Why this is important:

Almost one in three Dutch consumers (29%) use generative AI tools in their daily lives. More are being added all the time. We highlight some useful options.


Hardly anyone will reach for a paper map in the car anymore. Navigation apps are becoming more sophisticated, thanks in part to AI. A billion people use Google Maps every day. Integrating artificial intelligence into the app has significantly improved the experience. For example, users can now take a virtual tour of their route. Advanced AI image processing allows them to zoom in for a detailed street view and see specific landmarks. In addition, AI allows Google to provide information about traffic conditions, weather updates, and air quality.

Improved security

Traffic accidents cost the Netherlands about 15 billion euros annually. But with the help of AI, we can make driving safer. This is already the case. For example, BMW has automatic traffic light recognition; the car then stops for a red light if necessary. Or take the ScanGenius cars, which drive around Dutch municipalities. These can detect defective lighting. This also makes driving a little safer.

Smart parking

Real-time information, predictive analytics, and big data are helping both municipal authorities and drivers with smart parking. With AI, drivers can park more and more easily. With AI-driven license plate and vehicle recognition, entry and exit processes are improved. Moreover, by collecting real-time data, smart parking systems can track the availability of EV charging stations. This allows cities to better manage their resources, preventing people from waiting in long lines.

More sustainable

By analyzing factors such as driving speed, idling and route efficiency, AI can make recommendations to improve fuel economy and reduce costs. At a higher level, AI also helps make driving more sustainable. For example, Google is currently conducting tests with Project Green Light in cities around the world. This AI program can optimize traffic flows by using data from Android devices. The system can analyze intersections and synchronize traffic lights, leading to fewer stops and a reduction in emissions. Initial figures indicate a 10 percent reduction in emissions at intersections.