- The ocean covers 71% of the Earth’s surface, making it the largest ecosystem on the planet. Ocean contains 97% of the planet’s water, with the remainder being freshwater found in glaciers, rivers, and lakes
- The ocean produces 50% of the world’s oxygen through the photosynthesis of marine plants. Most of this production comes from oceanic plankton, such as algae, bacteria that can photosynthesize, and drifting plants. Estimates suggest that there are up to 1,200,000 gigatonnes of oxygen on planet Earth.
- Ocean waters play a key role in regulating the Earth’s carbon cycle by capturing CO2 from the atmosphere. In fact, the ocean absorbs 30% of carbon dioxide from human activities.
- The Mariana Trench is the deepest part of the ocean, reaching 11,000 meters depth. Located in the western Pacific Ocean, there is still life in the oceanic trench, with unique species that adapted to this environment’s high pressure and darkness.
- From the smallest plankton to the 30-meter-long blue whale, the ocean is the planet’s biodiversity hotspot. The five main ocean basins, the Pacific, the Atlantic, Indian, Arctic, and Southern Oceans contain 94% of the world’s wildlife.
- Every minute, the equivalent of a dump truck of plastic flows into the ocean. As the amount of plastic waste is expected to quadruple by 2050, this waste stream is severely affecting marine ecosystems. WWF estimates that 90% of seabirds have plastics in their stomachs, and one in two marine turtles have eaten plastic.
- 20% of the world’s protein consumption comes from the ocean. Fish – did you know that around 20,000 fish species exist?– and seafood is an important source of protein for billions of people worldwide.
- Global trade couldn’t do without the ocean: 90% of the world’s goods are transported by ships across the ocean, whose routes facilitate cargo movement between continents.
- 40% of the world’s population lives within 100 kilometers of the coast. Coastal areas are densely populated and face some of the most concerning challenges of our time, such as rising sea levels, coastal erosion, and pollution.
- We have only explored 5% of the ocean floor. Despite the many years of research, most of it is still a mystery, especially its depths, simply because most of the waters remain uncharted, unexplored, and unseen by human eyes.

Blue power: there is an ocean of marine energy possibilities
Natural elements are behind the cleanest energy we can generate: sun, wind, and geothermal heat. The ocean is also part of this club. Although currently limited in application, wave and tidal energy can play a role in tomorrow’s energy mix.