French start-up Ref Bikes has developed an easily interchangeable frame to extend the life of bicycles. This makes it possible to adapt the bicycle to the changing needs of the cyclist. The first 150 units will leave the workshop in March. This is reported in a press release.
French people buy 3 million bikes every year and throw away 1.5 million bikes. Wear and tear is the main cause for this, but cyclist’s tastes and needs also play a role. Due to change of residence, work, condition or household, the need in terms of bicycle changes and cyclists discard their old bicycle. “Unnecessary and therefore a waste,” believes co-founder of the start-up, Romain Segura.

From city bike to e-bike
The first model of the Ref Bike, is a 1,200 euro city bike. The second model is a 2,500 euro electric version. By modifying two parts, French cyclists can switch from a city bike to an electric bike. Also in development are kits to a longtail bike (for transporting children) and a fatbike (for cycling in the dunes). Ref Bikes makes a commitment to itself to buy back old kits that are no longer used from consumers. In doing so, the company encourages the reuse of frames.
© Image Ref Bike
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