
RATP, the Paris’ public transport operator, is considering hydrogen powered EV chargers to facilitate half of its depots. The charging technology based on hydrogen use is offered by L-Charge.
As of mid-2021, the RATP-operated bus fleet already comprises approximately 40% clean energy buses (electric buses, CNG-powered or hybrid). By the end of 2021, 350 new electric and CNG-powered vehicles will integrate the fleet. With the number of EV constantly growing the operator is getting worried about the energy consumption and the pressure on a grid. In that regard RATP is considering facilitating its depots with the off-grid charging points powered by clean energy. For the moment the company is in negotiations with L-Charge, the EV-charger manufacturer that focuses on clean energy use.
“The electric vehicle revolution won’t keep rolling unless charging infrastructure keeps up. L-Charge’s unique products help bridge the gap between underdeveloped EV charging networks and fueling infrastructure”, – said Dmitry Lashin, the CEO of L-Charge in a press release.

Combat smog

The L-Charge has presented its charger while visiting France earlier this month. Paris’ public transport operator said it will consider L-Charge solution to integrate within the framework of Bus2025 plan. The new orders follow the Bus2025 plan by RATP (Régie Autonome des Transports Parisiens) to procure up to 800 electric buses by 2024 to replace existing diesel buses and combat smog in the greater Paris area.
The major works involved in the project entails a meticulous organization within the bus depots, as the infrastructure works should be carried out without disrupting day-to-day operations. The construction sites take up operating space, which may require redirecting bus lines or temporarily storing buses on outdoor premises.
L-Charge has already presented in Germany, Spain, France and the Netherlands. The company has received a lot of positive feedback on its journey ranging from e-car owners to journalists and large corporations such as Toyota.

All about hydrogen in our dossier

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