Scottish scientists designed an AI fire helmet that provides firefighters with real-time information about the fire. By using this technology, this new gadget will support performing safer and more efficient rescue missions in critical scenarios.
This helmet was primarily built by researchers from the School of Informatics of the University of Edinburgh in partnership with Heriot-Watt University. Developed at the National Roboratorium, this new artificial intelligence instrument possesses advanced technology, which might become a future recruiter for fire departments worldwide.
How does it work exactly?
This AI helmet provides instant information about the fire, assisting these brave fighters in making wiser decisions in stressful situations. It essentially uses artificial intelligence to scan the fire scene and combine all types of data sources, like thermal cameras and fire sensors. After being aware of all this data, the firefighters will have a more detailed overview of the situation, leading to more effective decision-making.
The experts believe this helmet will mainly benefit navigation, especially in places with low visibility and compromised structures. The design uses light-weighted sensors combined with a classic firefighter hat. In future versions, the researchers also aim to insert 3D maps into the equipment.
The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service are now testing the helmet’s primary version in field trials, but hopefully, it will be utilized by more fire departments globally.

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