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On 16 February, E52 and the High Tech Campus will host a public interview with the Dutch minister of Finance Jeroen Dijsselbloem. After a short lecture on the role of the government in financing entrepreneurship, he will be answering questions from the audience. Only a month before the general elections, itโ€™s an ideal opportunity to get the answers you were looking for.

To give as many people as possible a chance to raise their question, and to have a wide diversity of questions, we ask you to submit your questions before the visit. Please send them to, and we will let you know if your question will get the floor. In a College Tour setting, you will be able to ask your own question on 16 February.

Screen Shot 2017-01-30 at 15.41.21We can imagine that you โ€“ like us โ€“ are curious as to how mr. Dijsselbloem (who was born in Eindhoven) looks at the national importance of the high tech innovative ecosystem in our region. We also expect he can say something about the consequences of Brainport Eindhoven having become an official Dutch โ€˜mainportโ€™ (next to Amsterdam and Rotterdam). Will this help the region in getting more money for improvement of the quality of living? Will there be a plan for better train or plane connections with the rest of the world? How about the connections within Brainport: can we hope for a new internal public transport system? Or maybe you want to know more about Dijsselbloemโ€™s position as chairman of the Eurogroup.

The faster you submit your questions, the higher the chance that you will get the opportunity to get an answer from the minister. Also, if you just want to come and listen, be sure to reserve your seat in Conference Center High Tech Campus.