Plant-based muffins for hospitalized people, AI-generated image.
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Fabafull, a Dutch company, transforms healthcare nutrition with innovative plant-based snacks. Targeting hospitals and care facilities, the startup addresses protein deficiency among patients and the elderly while promoting sustainable food choices. Their products, made from field beans with 30% protein content, are part of a broader shift towards more frequent, protein-rich meals in healthcare settings.

Fabafull’s plant-based snacks can play a critical role in healthcare nutrition, focusing on the needs of patients and the elderly. The company has developed a range of products, including muffins, cakes, and brownies that are rich in protein and tailored specifically for hospitals. This innovative approach aims not only to meet the nutritional needs of patients but also to support the larger trend of sustainable food systems.

Field beans

Central to Fabafull’s product line is the field bean, a sustainable protein source with a 30% protein content. Field beans are rich in protein and contribute to environmental sustainability by improving soil quality through nitrogen fixation. This makes them an ideal alternative to animal-based proteins associated with higher greenhouse gas emissions and other environmental impacts.

Fabafull’s strategic focus on hospitals stems from their significant influence on healthcare trends. Hospitals increasingly recognize the importance of nutrition in patient recovery and overall health, leading to a shift towards providing six protein-rich meals per day instead of the traditional three. This transition is expected to improve patient outcomes, particularly for those recovering from surgery or malnutrition.

Addressing Malnutrition

Malnutrition is a growing concern, especially among older adults and vulnerable individuals. In the Netherlands, up to 35% of elderly people receiving home care and 38% of hospitalized patients show signs of malnutrition. Fabafull’s plant-based snacks provide a viable solution to this issue by offering a convenient and palatable way to increase protein intake, thereby supporting better health outcomes.