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Recrubo has closed a €600,000 seed round to develop and commercially scale its product. The company deploys AI technology to optimize the recruitment process of blue-collar and service companies via chat. It allows candidates to apply for jobs in a low-threshold manner and provides companies with the tools to track candidates efficiently. According to the start-up, an Amsterdam-based meal delivery company filled all open positions this way and cut the cost per new employee in half.

“For many positions, an extensive CV is irrelevant,” said Niels Tukker, founder and CEO of Recrubo. “By letting candidates apply easily and quickly via WhatsApp, we are better aligned with the needs of today’s generation. We strike a huge blow regarding user experience for both candidate and employer.”

Applying for a job via Whatsapp

Recrubo lets job seekers easily apply via WhatsApp. All touchpoints from orientation to appointment are automated. Under the hood, artificial intelligence is deployed to tailor the process to the job posting and the profile being sought. The application process is set up automatically based on a job posting. AI immediately understands what kind of person the company seeks and guides a chat process. Because AI is trained on the job text and company info, it can answer any questions from the applicant. The simple setup allows for great scalability, even across multiple job postings.

Things have gone fast since the product’s launch a year and a half ago; Recrubo is now working for large and well-known employers such as Sodexo, FEBO, DHL, and ZEEMAN. Recrubo’s software already results in hundreds of monthly starters, and the ambition is enormous: “Five million starters in five years.”

Three investors

Glass Frog Ventures, Pop up Qapital, and the Brabant Development Company (BOM) together carry funding.

“Recrubo is not just a co-pilot for recruitment. The company solves an urgent labor shortage problem,” said BOM Investment Manager Robin Hendrickx. “Companies are increasingly struggling to fill vacancies, and often this is one of the main barriers to growth. With that, the impact realized is fundamental. The results with clients are promising.”

Steven van Houwelingen (Glass Frog Ventures) says he was impressed by the team’s customer focus with an infectious getting-things-done mentality. “The recruitment chatbot, which connects well with job applicants in the mobile age, is a great tool for employers to stand out in today’s tight job market.”