Today, the new digital AI employee Sarah has been launched. She is designated as a content marketer and will serve as a direct colleague capable of conceiving, creating, and executing end-to-end content strategies. The digital employee has been launched by the Amsterdam-based AI startup Typetone. The startup’s objective is to provide assistance in addressing personnel shortages in the job market, as stated by the company in a press release.
Why you need to know this:
By leveraging AI intelligently, personnel shortages can be (partially) addressed.
Sarah takes approximately ten minutes to create a content strategy for the upcoming three months. Subsequently, she can also execute the content strategy herself. She generates texts, finds corresponding images, and can autonomously publish the posts on channels such as social media platforms and newsletters.

How does a digital employee work?
When an organization hires Sarah, first, all knowledge about this organization is loaded. As a result, all her texts adhere to the writing style that fits the organization. Additionally, Sarah is integrated with the relevant systems for her. Finally, she is linked to various news sources from which news relevant to the organization is filtered. This latter aspect enables Sarah to proactively share new ideas with her human colleagues, for example, via Slack. This is also partly where the major difference lies compared to existing AI systems such as chatbots and language models. In addition to being proactive, Sarah can also independently complete tasks, such as publishing messages she has written and scheduled, on social media channels.
The future of work
“We expect that digital employees will be part of every team within a year. Almost every company struggles with recruiting experienced personnel, and that will be solved soon. The employees can start immediately and chat and communicate with you like human colleagues. After Sarah, who is designated as a content marketer, more digital employees with other functions will be added in the short term,” said co-founder Sjoerd de Kreij.