Martin Kristelijn has received the DSPE Wim van der Hoek Award. The prize was handed over at the Precision Fair in Veldhoven. The award is for his TU/e graduation project “Design of a motion compensation mechanism for offshore load transfer”.
The Wim van der Hoek Award is awarded to promote and stimulate precision mechanics and the design of mechanical structures. The award, named after the emeritus professor Wim van der Hoek, is given to the best graduation work. Van der Hoek founded the unique Dutch method for design of precision machinery, at the Technical University of Eindhoven (1962-1985).
The jury about Martin Kristelijn’s Design of a motion compensation mechanism for offshore load transfer:
“With his proposed design for a motion compensation and load transfer mechanism, Martin has demonstrated his broad talent in mechanical engineering, both in kinematics and structural design and analyses at the component level, including cost assessment. His novel concept for offshore load transfer that is based on a Roberts straight-guide mechanism, is modular and rather compact and was designed for minimal parasitic platform motion and high stability. Martin possesses good analytical and communication skills and works very independently.”