group Lifesense Carin Wil © Lifesense
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LifeSense is introducing its smart underwear in Singapore as part of a study assessing the efficacy of the app-based programme for patients with stress incontinence. The study will be conducted at the National University Hospital (NUH). The effects of the programmes will be examined, as is the extent to which patients who practise pelvic floor exercise (PFE) for 10 minutes daily will show improvements in cure rate and symptoms.

More on Carin, Wil and Lifesense here

“Carin” (for women) and “Wil” (for men) are wearable, non-invasive pelvic floor trainers designed specifically to empower women and men to regain control of their bodies while improving their pelvic health in the privacy of their homes. The combination of smart textiles, Bluetooth sensor, and a tailored exercise programme provides users with the tools they need to strengthen their pelvic floor and regain bladder control. The small sensor fits discreetly inside the underwear where it detects and records leaks in real time. The accompanying app provides motivation while also allowing patients to view and share their data with their health provider, track their progress, and follow simple steps to improve bladder control.