Metropoolregio Eindhoven subsidizes the ‘SAFE’ project in which three partners from the Eindhoven region (Matas Electronics, Archipel and LifeSense Group) work together on a flexible e-health solution for older people. SAFE is a system for both urinary incontinence and decubitus prevention, fitted to use in elderly homes and home care organizations.
The solution is a combination of a textile-integrated sensor, app, and high absorbing textile. SAFE will be researched and developed with an eye on the benefits for improving the living conditions of older people.
Previously, LifeSense Group introduced their product Carin on the market: a wearable technological solution for stress incontinence in women after pregnancy. LifeSense Group together with their partner Matas Electronics will develop the product, and at Archipel Zorggroep (organization for elderly care) the solution will be tested and implemented in their facilities. The flexible application does not require radical logistic changes in the care system which is of the user’s benefit.