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…and he is bringing a bunch of Tech companies
Know Infogram, Bitfury, or Edurio? Maybe the names are not yet familiar with every Dutch tech person, but these are some of the highly successful Latvian tech companies that are making a buzz in the Baltics. On September 27, there is a chance to meet a selection of new Latvian startups, as well as the country’s prime minister, Māris Kučinskis, at High Tech Campus Eindhoven.

Also, it’s an opportunity to get tips and tricks on cybersecurity by the most visible white-hat hacker in Latvia. High Tech Campus is inviting Brainport Tech companies for lunch with the prime minister.

Jumping from planned economy to a fast developing new member of EU since 2004, Latvia has developed the infrastructure and the environment for Technology driven companies to develop and grow. With its most secure data center in Europe (12 meters underground) and 1 Gbt/s fiber optic network speed support there are many interesting companies, start-ups and established companies excelling in Robotics, Internet of things, Data science and ICT hardware.

The Programme on September 27:

11.00 welcome by Prime Minister of Latvia Mr. Māris Kučinskis and Director of LIAA Mr. Andris Ozols

11.20 “What’s cooking in the Baltics” by Ms. Aiga Irmeja, IT Cluster of Latvia.

11.35 “Cyber security tips – the critical focus areas for leaders to prepare their businesses for the challenges to come” Kirils Solovjovs

12.00-13.00 Pitches by Latvian and Dutch companies

13.00-14.00 Pre-arranged matchmaking with buffet lunch

You can find the list of participating Latvian companies here.

Companies interested in joining this event can send a request to join the meeting to [email protected]