Internet of Things is a booming business; portable technology, big data and smart devices that are all connected to one another via the cloud. New products and services in this area follow in quick succession. On 30 and 31 May, programmers, product developers and social nerds with an IoT idea can compete in the first Internet of Things-Hackathon on the High Tech Campus. Even enthusiasts with less technical experience can come and prove themselves.
“You don’t have to be a real tech nerd to participate,” explains co-organiser Pieter Hermans of Jakajima. “Obviously they have a bit of a head start, but in principal anyone with a great idea related to Internet of Things can sign up. It’s all about being able to form new ideas with others, so it’s important that you’re a team player.”
According to Hermans, the accessible nature of the Hackathon is a result of using littleBits, magnetic do-it-yourself sets that can be easily joined together. “There are endless possibilities with these, although you’re not required to use them. If participants prefer to make their own tools, that’s fine too. The aim is to develop a connected device or service that can improve daily life. What sort of things can they be? Take, for example, a washing machine that’s connected to the Internet and sends you a message to your phone when the washing’s done.”
Internet of Things event
The Hackathon, which will take place on 2 June, is part of the fourth Internet of Things event on the High Tech Campus. Several speakers will then go into greater depth about the future and the possibilities of Internet of Things. Hermans assures that it will develop quickly: “We still haven’t achieved all that’s possible. At the moment it’s all happening gradually. For instance, you can buy motion sensors and connect them with an app to protect your home. It’s not like it’s suddenly out there, like with the arrival of the iPhone. Suddenly everyone wanted an iPhone. But once everyone knows the possibilities of Internet of Things, it will develop faster than the telecommunications industry.”