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Philips spinoff Intrinsic-ID has been nominated to win the Innovation Radar Prize 2016. Intrinsic-IDโ€™s technology uses biometrics to help computerchips recognize and โ€˜acknowledgeโ€™ other chips around the world. โ€œJust like a human being, a chip possesses unique biometric qualities. We teach them to judge whether or not itโ€™s safe to communicate with other chipsโ€, founder Pim Tuyls says.

intrinsic-IDThe European Commission is handing out the innovation radar prize to promote innovation in Europe. For the 2016 edition, 40 organisations have been nominated across 4 categories. But only four of them โ€“ the ones who earn most votes during a period of public online voting โ€“ get a ticket to the finals.

The 4 innovators with the highest number of votes in each category will be invited to Bratislava on September 26. Intrinsic-ID, a Philips spin-off on the High Tech Campus Eindhoven, has been selected in the category โ€˜excellent scienceโ€™ based on ground-breaking work on โ€˜physical unclonable functionsโ€™ or PUFs and how these can be applied to improve security for systems ranging from payment cards to cars and mobile phones.

Vote for Intrinsic-ID and take them to Bratislava

More on Intrinsic-ID here