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The country’s largest battery will be built in Delfzijl next year. The battery will have a capacity of 300 MW and a storage capacity of up to 1,200 MWh. Thanks to a flexible contract with grid operator TenneT, space has been created for the huge energy storage facility despite the busy grid.

TenneT and Giga Storage, the company behind the mega-battery, announced the development Monday morning in Lelystad. Lelystad is currently home to the company’s largest battery, with a capacity of 48 megawatt hours.

The new battery in Delfzijl will be 25 times larger and is located on an industrial estate. It will be built on the site of the former aluminum plant Aldel, which went bankrupt in 2022 due to sharply increased energy costs.

Balancing the grid

When there is a lot of wind or the sun shines heavily, batteries can temporarily store the sustainable electricity generated. Green power is used in the event of a shortage to maintain balance on the power grid and ensure the security of supply. Batteries reduce our dependence on coal and gas plants to produce power when there is little or no solar and wind power. ‘This agreement with GIGA Storage is a crucial step in improving the efficiency and reliability of our current electricity grid,’ said TenneT CEO Manon van Beek. ‘With this time-based form of contract, we can make better use of the available capacity and connect more customers who use the grid outside peak hours.’