The recently opened Volumetric 3D Videostudio in the Eindhoven Effenaar will also get a research branch. In the project ‘Chronosphere‘, creative content makers, research institutes and technology companies will investigate the possibilities of 3D scanned persons. In the Volumetric 3D studio dozens of cameras simultaneously record all the movements of a living subject. These recordings are converted into a fully moving and digital image, creating an image that can hardly be distinguished from the real thing.
The two key questions in the research are how 3D scans of people can be made as lifelike as possible and how these scans will function best in our reality. The initiative received a total of over 500,000 euros in support from parties such as RVO (Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland), CLICKNL (stimulus fund for the creative industry), the stimulus fund of the Eindhoven Metropolitan Region and 4DR Studios, the owner of the Volumetric Video studio. Dutch Rose Media, 360 Verbeelding, Studio Wildvreemd, BUAS, Natlab, TU/e and SintLucas also contribute to the research.
“We believe in the narrative power of Volumetric Video,” says Natasja Paulssen, co-initiator of Chronosphere and founder and director of 4DR Studios. “But even better, we underpin this with well-founded research. That’s why we are so enthusiastic about this widely supported cooperation in Chronosphere”.
Creative content creators can submit project proposals to Chronosphere that explore the limits of Volumetric Video and push them where possible. In total, there is room for twenty projects that are assessed by an independent board. For example, preparations for a Volumetric Video project around ‘Advaita‘ – singer Chagall’s new programme – are in full swing. During her live shows, a digital version of the singer will also be on stage in the near future.
But the applications go beyond the cultural sector. For example, a project is supported around a virtual health coach for women with heart problems, and there is a project that combats ingrained prejudice in the workplace, with the aim of initiating behavioural changes.
Six projects, each linked to at least one defined research question, have now been approved. During the process, more knowledge about the application possibilities of Volumetric Video will be gathered in a scientific way. This knowledge will then be used to further develop the technology and its application.
Jos Feijen, director Effenaar Smart Venue, says Chronosphere is a huge opportunity for the region. “There are hardly any applications of this worldwide. Eindhoven puts itself in the spotlight within Europe in this area. We have only just started, there is still a lot to discover”.