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Following the Olympic Games is an excellent way to find motivation to exercise more. Whether to try a new sport or to get fitter, witnessing top athletes running, swimming, or playing can be inspiring. While achieving world-class performances could be out of reach, you can count on the help of a special trainer to elevate your fitness level: AI.

Why this is important:

An active lifestyle helps prevent and reduce the chances of cardiovascular diseases, decreases depression symptoms, and boosts overall well-being. Practicing some sport definitely helps, and AI can assist us in this domain, too.

Personalized workout plans, real-time form correction, and continuous health monitoring are some of the options AI can offer to help you get fit. AI’s advanced algorithms provide a bespoke fitness journey, adapting to each user’s progress and preferences. Furthermore, AI applications also enhance motivation and engagement, fostering a proactive approach to preventive healthcare and setting a new standard in personal fitness and well-being.

Improving exercise execution

Today’s technology, through advanced motion sensing and machine learning, offers a bespoke fitness journey. AI systems like KinesteX use real-time pose tracking to provide instant feedback on form, helping users exercise more effectively and safely. This technology can recognize human movements with up to 90% accuracy, enhancing user experience.

Similarly, the Lithuanian startup FittyAI has also developed technology to recognize human movement. Their virtual trainer is designed to be integrated in existing online fitness platforms, helping users to improve their performance also by delivering real-time feedback on exercise execution.

Workout planning

AI also has the capability to help with setting up exercise schedules. Apps like Planfit have created AI characters that guide users through workouts, offering motivation and support. These AI trainers generate tailored workouts based on a user’s specific goals, strength, and past performance, adjusting as they go along. The Planfit app claims users can reach their fitness goals 2.3 times faster than without it, a testament to the power of personalized AI coaching.

Similarly, Gimbuddy AI creates personalized workout programs for users. The app aims to offer enjoyable and effective workouts tailored to each user’s fitness level and goals. When setting the app, users provide fitness details and preferences so the system sets an appropriate intensity level and generates a workout schedule. In addition to these apps, the most known AI chatbots, such as ChatGPT, Claude, or Gemini, can also provide workout plans following detailed input from the user.

AI’s predictive prowess in health monitoring

Machine learning not only enhances the personal fitness experience by tailoring workout plans but also aids in predictive health insights. By analyzing workout and health data, AI can suggest areas of improvement and even adjust resistance levels in real-time for optimized training. This adaptive resistance training, which uses AI to fine-tune workout intensity, ensures that each session is at the right level for the user’s current state, promoting steady and safe progress.

AI’s potential for preventive healthcare is particularly exciting. AI can help detect potential health risks early by tracking health behaviors and repetitive exercise patterns. This proactive approach to health can contribute significantly to public health, reducing the strain on healthcare systems by preventing illnesses before they require medical intervention.

Far from replacing human trainers

While AI has the power to collect data and adjust training plans, taking into account many factors, it is far from replacing trainers. In fact, AI models still produce inaccurate content and analysis, generating inadequate training programs, for instance. Despite all the efforts to engage users, the human-to-human connection is still a great benefit for people who want to discuss training loads, physical form, or any problems they might have. Yet, AI can already be a good training buddy, showing new workout routines and helping us track execution.